How can you tell if you're making progress? Simply by the way you feel. If the world is getting to you and you feel there's something in this world that you hate or you love, something in this world that upsets you or makes you happy, then you know you're not making progress, or not too much progress. True happiness, peace, love, is your very nature. There is nothing in this outside world that can give it to you. Always remember that the outside world, the external world, is like a dream. That's all it is. A dream and nothing else. Yet the question arises, "Who is dreaming?' And the answer is "Nobody," for in truth there is nobody dreaming and there is no dream going on, yet all these things appear to be so. Where did they all come from? They come from nowhere. There is absolutely nothing happening. No one is really dreaming. There is really no dream going on. (Robert Adams)
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