De Zachte Revolutie - La Révolution Douce - The Sweet Revolution

De herontdekking van het Zelf. La redécouverte du Soi. The rediscovery of the Self. Voor contact:

zaterdag 22 september 2018

You have total faith and trust in something which you're just beginning to feel. You're just beginning to feel that bliss-consciousness. You're just beginning to feel, slightly at first, that joy, that total freedom, and you know something is happening. As you experience these things, you will begin to leave the world alone. You will stop becoming entangled in the world. Again you will find your duties will become less and less. You're growing. You're unfolding. Things like anger begin to subside entirely. Depression, all those bad feelings that you used to have, they begin to disappear. And many times you will find that certain things in your life that have caused you pain and discomfort, just disappear. You're not looking for them to disappear. You're no longer looking for anything. You're not even looking for self-realization. Yet you're growing and you're making progress.