De Zachte Revolutie - La Révolution Douce - The Sweet Revolution

De herontdekking van het Zelf. La redécouverte du Soi. The rediscovery of the Self. Voor contact:

woensdag 3 juli 2019

A very good explanation from Robert Adams on how to handle our jobs:

SR: Well part of my maya is I have a job and I'm doing some things and I'm dealing with people and I'm dealing with paperwork. So in order to deal with this maya called a job, don't I need to listen to those thoughts?

R: Who says you will not be able to do your job without the thoughts?

(SR: But that job is maya I suppose?)

That is all maya and you will have the maya that you need to take care of that maya.

(SR: But if I push away these maya thoughts how will I be able to do the maya job?)

Who is saying this? Who is talking about these things? The maya is talking about maya. The maya is talking about itself.

SR: You're saying that I could do this maya paperwork and people, job and just ignore the thoughts?

(R: Of course.)

Look at these papers and when I see a thought coming analyzing what I'm reading just put off it?

R: Do not think about that at all.

(SR: Am I required to be looking at the paperwork?)

If you want to keep your job. (laughter)

(SR: Will I understand what is on the paper?)

You'll understand better than you can ever understand now. You will do what you have to do and you will do it quite well and you will be happy with yourself. Do not have the opinion that you are the doer and telling you, you have to do something. Just be yourself and everything will get done. (pause) An apple tree does not have to worry whether it's going to grows apples or not. By its very nature it grows apples.