De Zachte Revolutie - La Révolution Douce - The Sweet Revolution

De herontdekking van het Zelf. La redécouverte du Soi. The rediscovery of the Self. Voor contact:

dinsdag 19 mei 2020

David's song (The Kelly Family)

Who'll come with me?
Don't be afraid
I know the way
Who'll sing with me?
Don't be afraid
I'll show the way
Who'll dance with me?
All through the world
Don't be afraid
I'll show the way
We'll go with you
To search the way
To find your star
Who'll come with us?
Don't be afraid
We found the way
Who'll fly with me
To reach a star?
Don't be afraid
I know the way
Hello to all you young ones
Our foundest hopes now rest in you
Remember there's nothing you can't do
So believe and be brave
Who'll be my friend
And walk with me
And sing this song?
Who'll love with me?
We'll change the world
And set it free
We'll walk with you
We'll be your friend
We'll sing your song
We know the way