De Zachte Revolutie - La Révolution Douce - The Sweet Revolution

De herontdekking van het Zelf. La redécouverte du Soi. The rediscovery of the Self. Voor contact:

zondag 28 juli 2019

Now some of you may ask, "What good is this teaching? Is it practical? What can it do for me?" And I say to you, "Are you really happy? Do you have unchanging happiness in your life? Do you have peace, real peace?" Most of us do not even understand what happiness and peace are. We think that happiness ensues when we get things to go our way. How long does that last? As you well know from experience, things change. The only thing that's permanent in this life is change. If your happiness depends on person, place or thing, when that changes there goes your happiness, out the window. Same with peace and joy. As long as things bring you happiness, joy and peace, you will be miserable most of the time. For these things must change sooner or later and there goes your happiness with it. Some people believe that this teaching will cure their ills. Give them financial rewards. Improve their relationships. It may, but that's not the point. We're not trying to improve our humanhood. If you wish to improve your humanhood, they have plenty of so-called science of mind classes, positive thinking courses. What we're trying to do here is annihilate our humanhood. Destroy it completely. It's our humanhood that causes the misunderstanding, the suffering. As long as we identify with the body, we have to suffer. This doesn't mean that by not identifying with the body, the world will become a bundle of joy and there will ensue happiness and peace in the world, on the contrary. What this means is you will acquire a new attitude. You will see things differently. (RA)