De Zachte Revolutie - La Révolution Douce - The Sweet Revolution

De herontdekking van het Zelf. La redécouverte du Soi. The rediscovery of the Self. Voor contact:

woensdag 30 januari 2013


maandag 21 januari 2013

Has the world changed

or have I changed?

There is no you to choose.

There is no choice.

zondag 20 januari 2013

Prefer to be loved

in stead of right.

donderdag 17 januari 2013

I love you all.

It is true you are on slippery ground with me,

but I am with you on the slippery ground.

woensdag 16 januari 2013

Call me mad.

That is an easy way out.

maandag 14 januari 2013

Gevoelig zijn, is intelligent zijn.

vrijdag 11 januari 2013

It's atomic.

Il suffit de ne rien vouloir

pour avoir tout ce que tu veux.

This is my silence.

The silence of the Lams.

Thinking is pollution.

These words are pollution.

This is shit.

donderdag 10 januari 2013


Nothing needs to be done.

This doesn't mean you have to do nothing.

You don't have to do nothing neither.

You are free.

Free is you.

There is no you.

There is only freedom.

Everything I write is confusing and misleading.

I better


dinsdag 8 januari 2013

The world is like this:

They break down a wall in Germany and everyone's happy,

then they build a wall in Israel.

This will go on and on,

buidling walls and breaking down walls.

Ad infinitum.

Step out of this mad parade.

Do not get involved:

do not be happy

when they break down a wall

do not be sad

when they build a wall.

All is well.

This is all really a funny show.

zondag 6 januari 2013

This world is a little dream.

donderdag 3 januari 2013

You can do more for this world

by never leaving your room

than by running all over the place.

You can do more for this world

by never leaving your room

than by running all over the place. 

There is only one power

and you are that.