De Zachte Revolutie - La Révolution Douce - The Sweet Revolution

De ontdekking van het Zelf. La découverte du Soi. The discovery of the Self. Voor contact:

woensdag 19 juli 2017

Freeing your self from your body, is freeing everyone from the body...There is only one. You are that one.


As you keep practicing day after day, week after week, year after year, century after century. Never look at time, when it is going to happen. Something is going to give. It has to. And peace will be yours.


maandag 17 juli 2017

The world seems real, so does a dream.


donderdag 13 juli 2017

Let op de gelijkenis in de gelaatsuitdrukking. Beiden hebben vrede met de situatie...


You believe if you can only have this person in your life, you'll be the happiest person on earth. But when this person comes into your life after a while you'll wish he never did. Because he'll make you miserable! And so it is on this plane. So learn to be detached! A good example of detachment is this: Let’s say you have a dream. In that dream you are a little person and you grow up. You get married and you buy a brand new home. You buy a brand new car. You have three children and they grow up. And you live a relatively good life. And then you awaken from the dream. Let me ask you, how long are you attached to your children of the dream before you forget about them? How long are you attached to your wife or husband of the dream before you forget about them? How long are you attached to your car and house? And anything else that you worked so hard to get in the dream, before you forget about them? A couple of seconds? A minute? An hour? It’s usually minutes, you forget all about the dream. This is detachment.


woensdag 12 juli 2017

Als zelfs dit je liefde niet kan kapotmaken, wat dan wel?


You have read the books. You realize there's a world of beauty, a world of joy, a world of love that interpenetrates this world. That brings you total happiness always, total peace that never changes. Whereas, now in the world that you're living in, so it appears, certain things make you happy. Certain things make you sad. You react to what the world gives you, how the world treats you, you react to that. So you're never really happy all the time. You never really have peace all the time. Your peace and your happiness is determined by what's going on in your life. Whereas, to an awakened being what's going on in your life doesn't matter at all. You're deliriously happy all the time! Whether they throw you to the lions, or you win the lotto, or your body is cut to pieces, or you have the healthiest body in the world, it makes no difference, for you're totally peaceful all the time! You're totally happy all the time! This is the reason why you want to be happy for you realize being happy feels wonderful. Therefore, these are valid reasons to be happy. But you don't want the happiness to end. You want it to be forever. This is what satsang is all about. This is why we're here, to experience unalloyed happiness. To experience total peace, total joy!


woensdag 5 juli 2017

Als een slapende baby, zo dien je de wereld tegemoet te treden. Vol vertrouwen dat jou alleen maar goeds kan overkomen. Niets is zo wijs als een slapende baby. Hij weet dat voor hem gezorgd wordt. Weet dat ook voor jou gezorgd wordt door het leven.
