We gaan op een zekere dag, allemaal, één voor één dood. Dat feit plaatst de dingen in perspectief. Hou het in gedachten, al lijkt dat misschien pessimistisch. Het vergeten zal het niet veranderen. Het vergeten is onwetendheid. Aanschouw de waarheid. Of de dood echt het einde is, is een andere zaak. Volgens mij niet.
Nog wat Robert Adams: When you get on the spiritual path, many times life comes along and pulls the rug from under you. This is to make you understand that as a human being you're nothing. It doesn't mean a thing. This is why so many people tell me, "Robert, since I came to you things have gotten worse in my life." And always I say, "That's good. Now you're beginning to make progress." If humanly things got better would most of you take this path? Unfortunately not, let's face it. The only reason most people come into spiritual life is because usually their life is all screwed up. (students laugh) Am I wrong? And they're looking for answers, therefore that's good. The people who are not here, their life is all screwed up, but they don't know it yet. (students laugh) So you're ahead of the game.
As I step out in this big world, seven billion just trying to cope. (James Blunt, Bones)
If there's a god, then there's a guaranty but if not then there's just you and me. (James Blunt, Bones)
Stilletjes aan, bijna onmerkbaar, neemt een onaards geluk meer en meer bezit van mij. En al wat ik daarvoor moet doen, is uit de weg gaan en mij overgeven.
Keep practicing. Ask yourself: "Who am I?". Have patience. Never stop. Never give up, ever. Something will give sooner or later. And there will be no need to practice anymore.
If you transcend your ego, you transcend the ego for everyone. When there is no longer a me, there will no longer be a you. And we will be ONE, what we always were. It was just a tiny mad idea (cfr A Course in Miracles) that crept in and told us we were separate.
There is nobody to save, nobody to heal and nothing to do. After all what needs to be done in a dream? Still you will be doing the things you're supposed to be doing but never forget all this is happening in a dream. Wake up!
Never stop and say I have arrived. For when you make that statement, "I've arrived," it shows you you have not arrived because there was somebody to arrive. When you have arrived there is nothing to say and there is noone to say it. It's all been transcended.
Binnenkort bestaat mijn blog 10 jaar. 10 jaar aanwijzingen. Aanwijzingen naar wat? kan men zich afvragen. Naar iets ontastbaar. Naar een toestand, onze natuurlijke toestand. Een toestand van geluk en vrede. Hoe bereik je dit, dat is wat ik probeer te beschrijven en ik moet wel falen want het is niet met woorden te beschrijven en we zijn al in die toestand natuurlijk en permanent alleen ervaren we dat niet altijd. De aanwijzingen dienen om dit meer te ervaren, meer en meer tot het continu wordt en we eindelijk gered zijn en de andere mensen met ons. Dat is de zachte revolutie.
Tune into the continuous soothing energy that you are.
I have come so that you may have life and have it more abundantly.
At last a normal deep sleep after weeks of waking up early. It was really hard to stay balanced because insomnia causes the world to come crushing into my mind much more intensily. It feels like I went through another fire and came out healthy at the other side. Now I am ready to continue my life. I hope you all slept well too. If not, realize that you can learn alot about your mind and its dark sides by not sleeping well. To all of you, have a nice day and a good night!