Whatever problem you may have, whatever is going on in your life try to realize again that when you are in deep sleep none of these things are happening. If you ever notice you have a cold or a cancer or if you have a lack or limitation in your life and you worry about it, when you're in deep sleep you do not worry. The disease does not bother you. It's only when you awaken that you begin to feel all of these things. But in deep sleep you are at peace. (Robert Adams)
How can you tell if you're making progress? Simply by the way you feel. If the world is getting to you and you feel there's something in this world that you hate or you love, something in this world that upsets you or makes you happy, then you know you're not making progress, or not too much progress. True happiness, peace, love, is your very nature. There is nothing in this outside world that can give it to you. Always remember that the outside world, the external world, is like a dream. That's all it is. A dream and nothing else. Yet the question arises, "Who is dreaming?' And the answer is "Nobody," for in truth there is nobody dreaming and there is no dream going on, yet all these things appear to be so. Where did they all come from? They come from nowhere. There is absolutely nothing happening. No one is really dreaming. There is really no dream going on. (Robert Adams)
Er is slechts één ziel en we zijn allemaal die ene ziel en die ene ziel is oneindig en eeuwig..het al in al...het heel al.
Er is een tijd om te lezen maar er is ook een tijd om te stoppen met lezen. Langzaam aan zal je merken dat je trager en trager leest, je blijft 10 minuten op dezelfde bladzijde en dan 20 en dan 30...en dan heb je uiteindelijk geen boek meer nodig. Je belichaamt de boodschap. Je bent vrij.
Iemand zei: "Het is wit." De wijze zei je hebt gelijk. Iemand anders zei: "Het is zwart." De wijze zei je hebt gelijk. Een derde zei je ging akkoord dat het wit was en je ging akkoord dat het zwart was. Dit kan niet. De wijze zei je hebt gelijk...