Elke cel van je lichaam tintelt van bewustzijn.
All of a sudden you find a profound peace overtaking you, a peace which passeth all understanding. This is not a peace that you've known before. It's different. It's a peace that overtakes you completely, and you lose your body awareness. It has nothing to do with the things of the world. It's a blissful peace. You remain in that state. Included in the peace is a feeling of immortality. Without using words you just know, "I was never born and I can never die." It’s as if you just studied a course at the university for five years, you're so sure of these things. You just know that all is well and everything is unfolding as it should. There is nothing wrong anywhere. You feel wonderful. You have become your Self. You have not changed into anybody. You have become your natural Self. That is your true Self. This feeling never leaves you. It is always with you. Whether you work, or you sleep, or you do nothing, this profound peace, this love, this feeling of immortality never leaves you. The question arises, "Who is born, who dies?" and the answer comes, "No one." There is no cause for existence. Existence is not real. You just know this. Whereas before you were identifying with the material world, the material world was real to you. But now you just know you have just become infinity itself. You become aware of the fact that this universe does not exist. And something tells you further that the universe exists as if in a dream, that's all. When you're dreaming, you find yourself in the universe. You're flying in a plane, you're cooking, you're eating, you're killing, you're making love, you're doing all kinds of things. It's all happening in your dream. It seems so real. If anyone comes and tells you you're dreaming, you refuse to believe them, because the dream appears very, very real. Then you wake up and you're back to the waking state, which is just another dream.
Je bent een paradox: Je lijkt een lichaam te zijn, dat is hoe anderen jou zien maar van binnen voel je af en toe iets anders, iets oneindigs, iets permanent, dus de conclusie hier is dat je zowel een lichaam bent als het bewustzijn waarin het lichaam verschijnt en uiteindelijk bestaat alleen het bewustzijn echt. Er is geen twee. Je bent dus vrij, vrij van het lichaam en vrij van de wereld en toch is daar het lichaam en de wereld, een paradox.
We proberen de wereld naar onze hand te zetten en onderweg merken we dat dat nooit echt lukt. Gelukkig lukt dat nooit zou ik bijna zeggen. Anders zouden we nooit op zoek gaan naar de "goddelijke" bron, we zouden voortdurend zwelgen in genoegen. Een totale overgave is de oplossing. Niet mijn wil maar Uw wil geschiede...
In the morning when you first open your eyes and you haven't thought a single thought yet, that is your true state. Don't you really feel good at that time? This is the time to really work on yourself.
As long as there is a self to benefit from enlightenment, there is no enlightenment.
Creëer gaten in het wolkendek van je gedachten.
You have an innate feeling that the real you is boundless space. That you are connected to everything and everything is connected to you. In other words, you're not just your body. The appearance of your body is a lie. The appearance of the world is a lie. You sort of feel this. (Robert A)