Enlightenment can be described as: The lights are on but no-one is home.
Hoe minder jij bent, hoe meer God is.
You have total faith and trust in something which you're just beginning to feel. You're just beginning to feel that bliss-consciousness. You're just beginning to feel, slightly at first, that joy, that total freedom, and you know something is happening. As you experience these things, you will begin to leave the world alone. You will stop becoming entangled in the world. Again you will find your duties will become less and less. You're growing. You're unfolding. Things like anger begin to subside entirely. Depression, all those bad feelings that you used to have, they begin to disappear. And many times you will find that certain things in your life that have caused you pain and discomfort, just disappear. You're not looking for them to disappear. You're no longer looking for anything. You're not even looking for self-realization. Yet you're growing and you're making progress.
De wereld presenteert je vele problemen zoals iedereen die hier een tijdje is wel weet. En soms geeft de wereld je ook even exact wat je wil en maakt je blij. Die twee situaties dienen beiden op dezelfde manier bekeken te worden: zonder reactie. Alleen zo kan de wereld overstegen worden en is een soort permanente vreugde mogelijk. Je bent blij niet om iets specifieks maar gewoon omdat je bent. Dat is echte vreugde. Experimenteer. Het kan.
Dat stille centrum dat is je ware thuis. Rondom kan het waaien maar jij bent zen in de storm. Onkwetsbaar. Dat is je ware aard.