Als je slaapt, is de wereld weg, is je lichaam weg, zijn je zorgen weg, is alles weg en toch ben je niet dood. Dit toont aan dat je kan bestaan zonder wereld, zonder lichaam, zonder zorgen. Dit is de blijde boodschap. Dit zou wel eens het bewijs kunnen zijn, dat het leven niet eindigt bij onze zo gezegde dood.
Never think or believe that this kind of a teaching, Advaita Vedanta, will make you not to love your family, will cause you to lose your job, will cause you to have problems, on the contrary. If you understand what I'm talking about and do this in the right way you will continue to do anything and everything you have to do. And because you're no longer perturbed, your body will not feel stress and things will be much better for you. (RA)
It is most difficult for people to understand. That life has no purpose. Life has no purpose whatsoever. This is a blow to the ego. We think we're so important. We go through life having various experiences. We believe it's getting us somewhere. Yet life is totally meaningless. No purpose at all. A good example of this is the dream. When you are dreaming it appears that you have a purpose. You're doing all sorts of things in your dream. Yet you wake up and all of the things you've done in the dream. You've gone to school in the dream, you've earned a PhD, you've gotten married, you have children, you became a grandfather, grandmother. Then you awaken, it's all gone. (RA)