De Zachte Revolutie - La Révolution Douce - The Sweet Revolution

De herontdekking van het Zelf. La redécouverte du Soi. The rediscovery of the Self. Voor contact:

dinsdag 30 juli 2019

I am going to stop posting messages from Robert Adams. If anyone is interested in these please go to the following website: You will be pleasantly surprised. From now on only I will post only messages from myself on this blog.

zondag 28 juli 2019

Now some of you may ask, "What good is this teaching? Is it practical? What can it do for me?" And I say to you, "Are you really happy? Do you have unchanging happiness in your life? Do you have peace, real peace?" Most of us do not even understand what happiness and peace are. We think that happiness ensues when we get things to go our way. How long does that last? As you well know from experience, things change. The only thing that's permanent in this life is change. If your happiness depends on person, place or thing, when that changes there goes your happiness, out the window. Same with peace and joy. As long as things bring you happiness, joy and peace, you will be miserable most of the time. For these things must change sooner or later and there goes your happiness with it. Some people believe that this teaching will cure their ills. Give them financial rewards. Improve their relationships. It may, but that's not the point. We're not trying to improve our humanhood. If you wish to improve your humanhood, they have plenty of so-called science of mind classes, positive thinking courses. What we're trying to do here is annihilate our humanhood. Destroy it completely. It's our humanhood that causes the misunderstanding, the suffering. As long as we identify with the body, we have to suffer. This doesn't mean that by not identifying with the body, the world will become a bundle of joy and there will ensue happiness and peace in the world, on the contrary. What this means is you will acquire a new attitude. You will see things differently. (RA)

zaterdag 27 juli 2019

You just open up. You start feeling good for no reason. You notice that things stop bothering you. You're no longer concerned, I don't mean you don't care, you're very compassionate, I mean you understand the nature of the world, that it's maya, it's transitory. Nothing is ever the same in the world. So the world ceases to excite you, one way or the other. The world no longer makes you too happy, nor too sad. It becomes impersonal to an extent. But you still do your work. Your body does whatever it came here to do, yet you're always in heaven, mentally. (RA)

vrijdag 26 juli 2019

Je hele leven zou wel eens een droom kunnen zijn. En als dat zo is, is het dan ook niet goed om dat te weten? Is het zo? Onderzoek het. Neem eens aan dat het zo is en kijk wat er dan verandert. Wat gebeurt er met je zorgen? Wat is belangrijk in een droom? Misschien is dat wel het belangrijkste tegenargument: dat je dan niets nog serieus neemt en alles in het 100 laat lopen en niets meer doet? Maar waarom zou je dat doen? Kan je niet evengoed toch voor van alles zorg dragen ook al besef je dat het een droom is? De belangrijkste conclusie van deze visie is dat je vrij bent want een droom kan je niet binden. Wil je vrij zijn of is dat toch wat te beangstigend? Aan ieder de keuze.

When you awaken something happens that is unexplainable. There are no human words to explain. When you awaken you just understand, not even understand, you know, you feel, and those words are inadequate, you become, divine harmony. You are no longer fooled by person, place and thing. You no longer react. As an example, someone tells you, "Oh, you won the lotto, you won fifty-billion dollars." It's okay. You do not become a slave to that. Someone tells you, "You lost fifty billion dollars," same thing, same reaction. You do not become a slave to that. What happens in the human life does not matter. When you know who you are you do not say it doesn't matter. You simply exist. You exist as yourself. You're at peace. No one can ever take the peace away from you, no matter how hard they try. (RA)

donderdag 25 juli 2019

Zalig de armen van geest.

woensdag 24 juli 2019

No mind, no problem.

Never mind the mind.

maandag 22 juli 2019

Something else you should understand, there is absolutely nothing wrong in the whole universe. Always remember this. No matter what appears, wars, man's inhumanity to man, earthquakes, cataclysms, there is nothing wrong. It sounds so strange to a beginner who has never heard anything like this before. And even for an advanced student it sounds sort of strange because you say, "Well I see all these things happening before me and how can this not be true? I see murders, rapes, man's inhumanity to man wherever I look." Who is doing the looking? Who is the looker? That is what you always must ask yourself, "Who sees this? Who is the looker?" And of course you will say, "I am." Then you'll start laughing because from practice you will see, I sees all these things going on in the world. I is the ego, the I-thought, not you! You are the divine reality. But it is the I-thought who sees all these things, who observes all these things. Wants to come to conclusions, wants answers, for what? You will always be doing the same thing, looking, judging, comparing, when you finish with one thing, something else will pop up somewhere else, it never ends, if it is not this, it's that. It is like a tumor on your arm that the doctor cuts out and it grows somewhere else. When the doctor cuts that out and it grows somewhere else, it keeps appearing all over your body, because the doctor never got rid of the source, the source of the tumor. So it is with us. (RA)

woensdag 3 juli 2019

If your mind becomes quieter and quieter and quieter, your happiness will expand and expand and expand...

A very good explanation from Robert Adams on how to handle our jobs:

SR: Well part of my maya is I have a job and I'm doing some things and I'm dealing with people and I'm dealing with paperwork. So in order to deal with this maya called a job, don't I need to listen to those thoughts?

R: Who says you will not be able to do your job without the thoughts?

(SR: But that job is maya I suppose?)

That is all maya and you will have the maya that you need to take care of that maya.

(SR: But if I push away these maya thoughts how will I be able to do the maya job?)

Who is saying this? Who is talking about these things? The maya is talking about maya. The maya is talking about itself.

SR: You're saying that I could do this maya paperwork and people, job and just ignore the thoughts?

(R: Of course.)

Look at these papers and when I see a thought coming analyzing what I'm reading just put off it?

R: Do not think about that at all.

(SR: Am I required to be looking at the paperwork?)

If you want to keep your job. (laughter)

(SR: Will I understand what is on the paper?)

You'll understand better than you can ever understand now. You will do what you have to do and you will do it quite well and you will be happy with yourself. Do not have the opinion that you are the doer and telling you, you have to do something. Just be yourself and everything will get done. (pause) An apple tree does not have to worry whether it's going to grows apples or not. By its very nature it grows apples.