De Zachte Revolutie - La Révolution Douce - The Sweet Revolution
De herontdekking van het Zelf. La redécouverte du Soi. The rediscovery of the Self. Voor contact:
zondag 31 mei 2020
Alles wat je herkent in mij, zit ook in jou. Het positieve en het negatieve. Ik ben een spiegel. Wat zie jij?
Reminder to myself: While your quick thinking is often effective, sometimes taking more time to think things through would bring a better outcome.
zaterdag 30 mei 2020
What if we would put all the money we put in weapons, in hospitals and in prisons? (yes we need to pay more attention to criminals, not less, in order to prevent them from causing further havoc)
On racism in the United? States
I'm white, I want this to stop, let there be no doubt about this. So, the crucial question is: "how are we going to stop this?". By further opposing black versus white? By protesting violently and causing further deaths and grief (even if it is on the other side)? Or by uniting black and white? Forgetting for a while we are different. Clearly what we have done up until now has not worked. So, why do more of the same? What we need is a new vision. A vision that doesn't just want to punish and harm the attacker as if that is going to help. The attacker needs treatment, lots of treatment and I kid you not this treatment has to be loving because that is what the attacker clearly lacks LOVE. What about the victim, you are going to ask me? It is true, he is dead. Do we really believe that death has the final word? He is lovingly accepted on the other side, I am quite sure about this. If you are not, that is fine, but then you are not going to stop these events from happening again and again. And was that not our COMMON GOAL from the beginning?
Soms voel ik mij eventjes, heel even volledig aangekomen waar ik wil zijn, maar al rap komt er weer een "verkeerde" gedachte opzetten die de rust verstoort. Dikwijls is die gedachte: wow! in deze toestand zou ik altijd willen zijn. Maar om altijd in die toestand te zijn, dient het willen te verdwijnen.
If you follow God's principles, you will almost certainly become successful perhaps not successful as you imagined before but even beyond what you expected. However, the success you will have, will NOT be YOUR success, it will be God's.
Het is altijd leuk om met de namen van geneesmiddelen te spelen: ik neem Abilify en dat wordt Abilifly omdat het een opwekkend effect heeft en ik neem Seroquel en dat wordt in mijn hoofd Zero-kwel omdat je zorgen erdoor afnemen.
vrijdag 29 mei 2020
Let's install an upgrade of this planet. The earth version 2.0 is now available and it's free. Just read my blog to uninstall the previous version and install the new.
The world is in an emergency situation, it's time to do something about it AND all is well, there is nothing you have to do. How can they both be true? Simple, we are talking about two different levels. The eagle level and the cow level. The eagle always soars. The cow is in the shit. The cow needs to rely on the eagle to learn to fly.
donderdag 28 mei 2020
Sinless is een goed woord. Het betekent zowel het eindresultaat (zonder zonden) als de weg ernaartoe (minder zondigen).
De mensen zullen me vaak verkeerd begrijpen vooral op het eerste zicht, maar uiteindelijk zullen ze erachter komen dat alles wat ik doe voor het goede doel is (althans dat is mijn bedoeling).
De boog kan niet altijd gespannen staan, maar het is ook niet de bedoeling om hem altijd slap te laten hangen. De juiste spanning en de juiste ontspanning is cruciaal voor het beste resultaat.
We kwamen samen ongedwongen
We gooiden balast af
We zongen
We stonden op alsof elke dag onze laatste was
Ja, als Adam en Eva leefden we
Nog niet verstoten uit Eden
We gaven niet om het verleden
Enkel om het heden
En in dat heden hielden we van elkaar
We speelden geld bij elkaar
En een koe gaf ons melk
Elk deed waar hij van droomde
Zonde lieten we over aan de ongezonde
De tijd stopten we
Met de dood lachten we
Een droom?
Maar eentje om waar te maken.
Tom Lams
We gooiden balast af
We zongen
We stonden op alsof elke dag onze laatste was
Ja, als Adam en Eva leefden we
Nog niet verstoten uit Eden
We gaven niet om het verleden
Enkel om het heden
En in dat heden hielden we van elkaar
We speelden geld bij elkaar
En een koe gaf ons melk
Elk deed waar hij van droomde
Zonde lieten we over aan de ongezonde
De tijd stopten we
Met de dood lachten we
Een droom?
Maar eentje om waar te maken.
Tom Lams
Some of your greatest advances you have judged as failures, and some of your deepest retreats you have evaluated as success. – A Course in Miracles, T-18.V.1.
woensdag 27 mei 2020
I know I can't change the world totally but I am just curious to see to which extent I can change it.
All is well, always is the final truth but don't tell this to people who are suffering they might kill you for it. It seems that we have no compassion when we make a statement like that, that we have not suffered yet. But believe me I have suffered more than the average person and I still do from time to time. Still I make the statement ALL IS WELL, ALWAYS. We are talking of another level. Not everyone has access to this level, no-one has all the time. Don't tell this to everyone, they just can't understand. Like trying to explain the taste of ice cream to someone who has never tasted it. Whatever you say, it doesn't come out right.
Spiritueel groeien wil zeggen dat je bandbreedte toeneemt: je kunt meer niveaus tegelijk ervaren en ook sneller maar ook de laagste regionen blijven van belang. Je verliest niets, je wint alleen maar aan bandbreedte. Sommige mensen zitten nog altijd met een trage internetverbinding, anderen hebben nu reeds 5G.
Greed (Vatika Kapoor)
Everything is greed.
Spiritual greed
cannot be spared
just because it feels more
honorable, more pure.
If one seeks anything
out of the ordinary
like enlightenment,
powers to heal,
do energy work,
or see into the future or past
or influence events in any which way;
One is the greediest
by human standards.
It is, perhaps, the peak of greed.
Like the greatest of saints have uttered,
'Be nothing.'
'Live as if you don't exist.'
You, actually, don't, as it is !
Nothing is more disappointing than success. Still you have to go after it. You don't have any other option if you want to live your life fully.
De wetenschappelijke methode kan ook op religieus gebied toegepast worden: we maken onderscheid tussen dingen die werken (het beoogde resultaat opleveren) en dingen die niet werken.
The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.(Steve Jobs)
dinsdag 26 mei 2020
Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode)
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Naar het Nederlands vertalen
The more spiritual you are, the less sleep you need. However, everyone needs rest from time to time.
Soms als de problemen escaleren in mijn hoofd lijkt het of ik opnieuw gek ga worden maar gek genoeg één juiste beslissing kan het tij keren waarna alles weer op zijn plaats valt, zelfs nog beter dan voorheen.
Not blaming other people is one step, but perhaps even more difficult is not blaming yourself anymore.
maandag 25 mei 2020
Het lagere is niet minder belangrijk dan het hogere, een wortel is niet minder dan het blad van een boom. Dat is eigenlijk wat ik probeer: ik probeer je te doen bloeien zodat al je bloesems uitkomen en je verandert in de prachtigste versie van je zelf. Maar bij sommige mensen moet ik beginnen met de wortels te versterken vóór ze kunnen bloeien.
Alsof je vliegt (Marco Borsato)
Wat was ze breekbaar, was ze broos
Toen je haar leerde kennen
Als een rozenblad zo zacht
Ze was wat wankel, en wat boos soms
Maar je kon het hebben
Dat was wat ik dacht
Toen je haar leerde kennen
Als een rozenblad zo zacht
Ze was wat wankel, en wat boos soms
Maar je kon het hebben
Dat was wat ik dacht
De tijd verstreek en zo het leek
Ging het haar steeds iets beter
Langzaam vond ze weer de kracht
Jouw liefde bleek de juiste kleur
En toen gebeurde
Wat ik niet meer had verwacht
Ging het haar steeds iets beter
Langzaam vond ze weer de kracht
Jouw liefde bleek de juiste kleur
En toen gebeurde
Wat ik niet meer had verwacht
Vanaf de grond
Hielp je haar bouwen
Tot ze alles zelf kon,
Totdat ze stond
Tot ze haar benen en haar vleugels
Eenmaal vond
Hielp je haar bouwen
Tot ze alles zelf kon,
Totdat ze stond
Tot ze haar benen en haar vleugels
Eenmaal vond
Nou ik hoop dat ze geniet
Van al het moois dat ze nu ziet
En dat de wind haar vleugels eeuwig dragen zal
Want je gunt haar haar geluk
Ondanks jouw tranen van verdriet
Maar ik hoop dat ze zich wapent voor de val
Van al het moois dat ze nu ziet
En dat de wind haar vleugels eeuwig dragen zal
Want je gunt haar haar geluk
Ondanks jouw tranen van verdriet
Maar ik hoop dat ze zich wapent voor de val
Want weet je lief
Ze lijkt veel sterker nu dan jij
Maar schijn bedriegt
Ze ziet het niet
Ze lijkt veel sterker nu dan jij
Maar schijn bedriegt
Ze ziet het niet
Want weet je lief
Ze lijkt veel sterker nu dan jij
Maar schijn bedriegt
Ze ziet het niet
Want als je valt is het soms net alsof je vliegt
Het voelt alsof je vliegt
Ze lijkt veel sterker nu dan jij
Maar schijn bedriegt
Ze ziet het niet
Want als je valt is het soms net alsof je vliegt
Het voelt alsof je vliegt
Maak van elke ontmoeting een heilige ontmoeting, dat wil zeggen zoek de hoogst mogelijke golflengte die jullie beiden aankunnen. Hogere golflengte is niet per definitie beter dan een lagere maar gewoon een andere golflengte...Iemand die stijgt in golflengte ervaart plezier -> vreugde.
zondag 24 mei 2020
When a certain situation has hurt you in the past, it is a normal reaction to try to avoid this situation in the future but it may be wiser to go back to that situation and try not to react to it this time. This is the only way to really free yourself from it.
zaterdag 23 mei 2020
A religous person will do what he is told, no matter what is right. A spiritual person will do what is right no matter what he is told. (Unknown)
vrijdag 22 mei 2020
Crucify (Tori Amos)
Every finger in the room is pointing at me
I want to spit in their faces then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage would choose to sell out now
I want to spit in their faces then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage would choose to sell out now
I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I've been raising up my hands
Drive another nail in just what god needs one more victim
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I've been raising up my hands
Drive another nail in just what god needs one more victim
Why do we crucify ourselves
Every day
I crucify myself
Nothing I do is good enough for you
Crucify myself
Every day
And my heart is sick of being in chains
Every day
I crucify myself
Nothing I do is good enough for you
Crucify myself
Every day
And my heart is sick of being in chains
donderdag 21 mei 2020
Je leven zou nog duizendmaal beter kunnen zijn dan het nu is, met de juiste (liefdevolle) instructies. Je zal versteld staan.
woensdag 20 mei 2020
Eigenlijk zijn we niet bang omdat we machteloos zijn, we zijn bang omdat we machtig zijn en dus veel onheil kunnen veroorzaken...maar ook veel heil.
Als dat gebeurt (Ingeborg)
Als de wereld weer eens op mn schouders rust
Alle vrolijkheid is weggevlogen, uitgeblust
Als de wereld weer eens veel te groot wordt voor mij alleen
Ik veel te klein ben voor deze wereld om me heen
Alle vrolijkheid is weggevlogen, uitgeblust
Als de wereld weer eens veel te groot wordt voor mij alleen
Ik veel te klein ben voor deze wereld om me heen
Als dat gebeurt
Zie me dan graag
Zeg me dan honderdduizend keer vandaag
Ik zie je graag
Zie me dan graag
Zeg me dan honderdduizend keer vandaag
Ik zie je graag
Als dat gebeurt
Zie me dan graag
Hou me dan stevig vast
En laat me niet meer los vandaag
Zie me dan graag
Hou me dan stevig vast
En laat me niet meer los vandaag
Als ik weer mezelf voorbij loop
Al mn dromen achterna
Op zoek ga naar intens geluk
Naar iets dat niet bestaat
Als de twijfel me weer bang en zo onzeker maakt
En alles waar ik zo zeker van was verandert in een leugen
Al mn dromen achterna
Op zoek ga naar intens geluk
Naar iets dat niet bestaat
Als de twijfel me weer bang en zo onzeker maakt
En alles waar ik zo zeker van was verandert in een leugen
Als dat gebeurt
Zie me dan graag
Zeg me dan honderdduizend keer
Ik zie je graag
Zie me dan graag
Zeg me dan honderdduizend keer
Ik zie je graag
dinsdag 19 mei 2020
David's song (The Kelly Family)
Who'll come with me?
Don't be afraid
I know the way
Who'll sing with me?
Don't be afraid
I'll show the way
Who'll dance with me?
All through the world
Don't be afraid
I'll show the way
Don't be afraid
I know the way
Who'll sing with me?
Don't be afraid
I'll show the way
Who'll dance with me?
All through the world
Don't be afraid
I'll show the way
We'll go with you
To search the way
To find your star
Who'll come with us?
Don't be afraid
We found the way
To search the way
To find your star
Who'll come with us?
Don't be afraid
We found the way
Who'll fly with me
To reach a star?
Don't be afraid
I know the way
To reach a star?
Don't be afraid
I know the way
Hello to all you young ones
Our foundest hopes now rest in you
Remember there's nothing you can't do
So believe and be brave
Our foundest hopes now rest in you
Remember there's nothing you can't do
So believe and be brave
maandag 18 mei 2020
You are much too tolerant of your mind wandering. Je laat veel te gemakkelijk toe dat je geest afdwaalt.
Just like we should be careful what to eat, we should be careful what to read, what music to listen to, which people to talk to, which clothes to wear and so on...Every little thing matters...And if you want to know how to chose, it is very simple, you pose yourself the question: How does this make me feel?
KEITH GOODMAN (1968-1990)
You broke through a veil of confusion and pain;
You glimpsed a horizon you just couldn't name.
And your heart it did yearn for what might have
The dream of a new world order.
Your memory is etched in this book that I write, Your dream underpins all its meaning.
Thanks for the gift of your wisdom and love.
Continue, good friend, with your
zondag 17 mei 2020
Jona en de walvis
Jona was met zijn dagelijks werk bezig, toen God tot hem sprak. "Jona," zei hij. "Ik wil dat je naar Ninivé gaat. De mensen daar zijn slecht. Vertel ze dat hun stad, en alles wat daarin is, binnen veertig dagen verwoest zal worden."
"Waarom hebt u mij daarvoor uitgekozen, God?" antwoordde Jona ontsteld.
"Waarom zou ik, een doodgewone Jood in Israël, over God gaan prediken tegen mensen die ik niet eens ken, die ver weg wonen, die niet eens Joden zijn en niet in u geloven? Bovendien bent u een vriendelijke God en barmhartig. U zou nooit zo'n hele stad vernietigen."
Hij besloot niet te gaan. Maar hij was bang dat God boos op hem zou zijn en probeerde te ontsnappen door aan boord te gaan van een schip dat naar Tarsis ging, wat precies de andere kant uit was.
Het schip vertrok en Jona viel in slaap in het ruim.
Plotseling stak er een hevige storm op en de kapitein schudde Jona wakker.
"Kom," zei hij. "Misschien is het uw God wel die boos is op ons."
Jona bad, maar de storm werd erger. "Luister eens," zei hij tegen de zeelui. "Ik weet dat het mijn fout is. U kunt me het beste overboord gooien." Dat wilden de zeelieden niet, daarom roeiden zij hard om te proberen weer bij land te komen. Maar de orkaan woei heviger dan ooit en daarom gooiden zij Jona toch maar overboord.
Direct ging de storm liggen.
Eerst dreef Jona op de baren, maar dat duurde niet lang.
Er kwam een grote vis, zoiets als een walvis, en die slikte hem in. Drie dagen en drie nachten zat Jona in de buik. Jona bad in de buik van de grote walvis tot zijn god.
Hij kwam bij de grote stad aan en liep door de straten te roepen: "Nog veertig dagen en dan zal Ninivé worden verwoest!"
De mensen die hem hoorden, werden bang, want ze geloofden in de macht van God. Ze brachten Jona bij de koning en die zei dat iedereen in de stad moest bidden om vergeving voor zijn zonden en een nieuw leven beginnen. God was blij met hun gebeden en spaarde Ninivé.
Maar Jona was boos op God. Hij voelde, dat hij voor gek stond. "Ik wist al die tijd al dat u ze niet zou doden," mopperde hij. Hij ging weg naar de woestijn en ging daar zitten. De zon werd heet en onplezierig, daarom liet God een boom boven hem groeien, zodat die hem schaduw kon geven. De volgende dag ging de boom dood, hij verdorde. De zon stak Jona en hij begon zich heel ziek te voelen. "Wat erg van die boom. Hij heeft maar zo kort geleefd!" zei Jona tot zichzelf. "Ik wou dat ik ook dood was."
Toen zei God vriendelijk tegen hem: "Als jij het nu al erg vindt van die boom, die je nog niet eens zelf hebt geplant of water gegeven, wat zou ïk dan wel niet moeten voelen als ik Ninivé had verwoest? Mijn liefde is groter dan de jouwe. Ik vergeef degenen die spijt hebben en ik breng troost aan alle mensen."
"Waarom hebt u mij daarvoor uitgekozen, God?" antwoordde Jona ontsteld.
"Waarom zou ik, een doodgewone Jood in Israël, over God gaan prediken tegen mensen die ik niet eens ken, die ver weg wonen, die niet eens Joden zijn en niet in u geloven? Bovendien bent u een vriendelijke God en barmhartig. U zou nooit zo'n hele stad vernietigen."
Hij besloot niet te gaan. Maar hij was bang dat God boos op hem zou zijn en probeerde te ontsnappen door aan boord te gaan van een schip dat naar Tarsis ging, wat precies de andere kant uit was.
Het schip vertrok en Jona viel in slaap in het ruim.
Plotseling stak er een hevige storm op en de kapitein schudde Jona wakker.
"Kom," zei hij. "Misschien is het uw God wel die boos is op ons."
Jona bad, maar de storm werd erger. "Luister eens," zei hij tegen de zeelui. "Ik weet dat het mijn fout is. U kunt me het beste overboord gooien." Dat wilden de zeelieden niet, daarom roeiden zij hard om te proberen weer bij land te komen. Maar de orkaan woei heviger dan ooit en daarom gooiden zij Jona toch maar overboord.
Direct ging de storm liggen.
Eerst dreef Jona op de baren, maar dat duurde niet lang.
Er kwam een grote vis, zoiets als een walvis, en die slikte hem in. Drie dagen en drie nachten zat Jona in de buik. Jona bad in de buik van de grote walvis tot zijn god.
"In mijn nood roep ik God aanToen spuugde de vis hem ongedeerd uit op het strand. Weer beval de god van Jona naar Ninivé te gaan en dit keer luisterde Jona meteen.
en hij antwoordt mij.
Uit het rijk van de dood schreeuw ik om hulp -
u hoort mijn stem!
Hij slingerde mij de diepte in, naar het hart van de zee.
Door kolkend water ben ik omgeven,
zwaar slaan zijn golven over mij heen.
Ik dacht: Verstoten ben ik, verbannen uit uw ogen.
Maar eens zal ik opnieuw
uw heilige tempel aanschouwen.
Het water stijgt tot aan mijn lippen,
muren van water storten op mij neer,
zeewier om mijn hoofd verstikt mij.
Ik zink tot de bodem, waar de bergen oprijzen,
naar het rijk dat zijn grendels voorgoed achter mij sluit.
Maar u trekt mij levend uit de dood omhoog,
o HEER, mijn God!
Nu mijn levensadem mij verlaat
roep ik u aan, God,
en mijn gebed komt tot u in uw heilige tempel.
Zij die armzalige afgoden vereren,
verlaten u, trouwe God.
Maar ik zal mijn stem in dank verheffen en u offers brengen;
mijn geloften los ik in."
Hij kwam bij de grote stad aan en liep door de straten te roepen: "Nog veertig dagen en dan zal Ninivé worden verwoest!"

Maar Jona was boos op God. Hij voelde, dat hij voor gek stond. "Ik wist al die tijd al dat u ze niet zou doden," mopperde hij. Hij ging weg naar de woestijn en ging daar zitten. De zon werd heet en onplezierig, daarom liet God een boom boven hem groeien, zodat die hem schaduw kon geven. De volgende dag ging de boom dood, hij verdorde. De zon stak Jona en hij begon zich heel ziek te voelen. "Wat erg van die boom. Hij heeft maar zo kort geleefd!" zei Jona tot zichzelf. "Ik wou dat ik ook dood was."
Toen zei God vriendelijk tegen hem: "Als jij het nu al erg vindt van die boom, die je nog niet eens zelf hebt geplant of water gegeven, wat zou ïk dan wel niet moeten voelen als ik Ninivé had verwoest? Mijn liefde is groter dan de jouwe. Ik vergeef degenen die spijt hebben en ik breng troost aan alle mensen."
vrijdag 15 mei 2020
UG Krishnamurti describes his "calamity". When your body is no longer controlled by thoughts, strange things happen...
(For three days UG lay on his bed, his body contorted with pain -- it was, he says, as if he felt pain in every cell of his body, one after the other. Similar outbursts of energy occurred intermittently throughout the next six months, whenever he lay down or relaxed.)
The body was not able to.... The body feels the pain. That's a very painful process. Very painful. It is a physical pain because the body has limitations -- it has a form, a shape of its own, so when there is an outburst of energy, which is not your energy or my energy or God's (or call it by any name you like), it is like a river in spate. The energy that is operating there does not feel the limitations of the body; it is not interested; it has its own momentum. It is a very painful thing. It is not that ecstatic, blissful beatitude and all that rubbish -- stuff and nonsense! --- it is really a painful thing. Oh, I suffered for months and months after that; before that too. Everybody has. Even Ramana Maharshi suffered after that.
A great cascade -- not one, but thousands of cascades -- it went on and on and on for months and months. It's a very painful experience -- painful in the sense that the energy has a peculiar operation of its own. H'm, you know, you have at the airport a Wills cigarette advertisement. There is an atom: lines going like that. (UG demonstrates.) It is clockwise, anticockwise, and then it is this way and then this way and then this way. Like an atom it moves inside -- not in one part of your body; the whole body. it is as if a wet towel were being wrung to get rid of the water -- it is like that, the whole of our body -- it's such a painful thing. It goes on even now. You can't invite it; you can't ask it to come; you can't do anything. It gives you the feeling that it is enveloping you, that it is descending on you. Descending from where? Where is it coming from? How is it coming? Every time it is new -- very strange -- every time it comes in a different way, so you don't know what is happening. You lie down on your bed, and suddenly it begins -- it begins to move slowly like ants. I'd think there were bugs in my bed, jump out, look -- (Laughs) no bugs -- then I'd go back -- then again.... The hairs are electrified, so it slowly moves.
There were pains all over the body. Thought has controlled this body to such an extent that when that loosens, the whole metabolism is agog. The whole thing was changing in its own way without my doing anything. And then the movement of the hands changed. Usually your hands turn this way. (UG demonstrates.) Here, this wrist joint had terrible pains for six months until it turned itself, and all the movements are now like this. That is why they say my movements are mudras (mystical gestures). The movements of the hands are quite different now than before. Then there were pains in the marrow of the bones. Every cell started changing, and it went on and on for six months.
donderdag 14 mei 2020
If this world is real, then it is a cruel world. And all its paths lead eventually to death. There is no escape in the world. "The world was made that problems could not be escaped."
In this world, when something goes wrong, it stays wrong. Unless you can find a physical solution which seems to solve the problem. But the problem does not really get cured, and the solution does not prevent more problems.
The ego's plan for this world is that everything ends in death. It does not matter how long it takes or what form it takes. All that is physical is inherently made of the idea of death.
If this world is true, then if someone becomes physically sick, there is no hope. There is no way to undo it. If something goes terribly wrong, there is no hope. No way to solve it. The world was made to be a place of hopelessness, and if you follow its laws and its rules there is literally no hope of escaping its death sentence.
This is why we are being asked in ACIM to rise above this battlefield, to awaken from it, to lift up and see it from a different vantage point. We're asked to forgive and overlook it, to not believe it is reality, and to not regard it as true. Only in this way, by recognizing there is ANOTHER world filled with hope, that you can have any hope at all.
Recognizing that this world is fundamentally cruel and insane, your ONLY hope is to learn to recognize that because of its insanity it cannot be real. The pain and hell that arise from its cruelty are seemingly tolerable up to a point, but produce hellish nightmarish experiences.
There comes a turning point where you can no longer accept that this world CAN be real, because of its utter cruelty and hell-bent focus on inevitable death and irreversible damage. There has to be a better way. There has to be some other world more true than this. There has to be some way to have hope.
This is where we begin to seek out the light, to leave the darkness of the desert and find a way to rise above the bullshit of the planet. This begins to open up what ACIM calls our spiritual eye. It's an attempt to liberate ourselves from suffering, to laugh in the face of death, and to even become miraculous.
"Pain thresholds can be high, but they are not limitless. Eventually, everybody begins to recognize, however dimly, that there MUST be a better way. As this recognition is more firmly established, it becomes a perceptual turning-point. This ultimately reawakens the spiritual eye, simultaneously weakening the investment in physical sight. The alternating investment in the two types or levels of perception is usually experienced as conflict for a long time, and can become very acute."
This flies in the face of everything the world says is true. It requires you to DENY the world through a proper use of denial, such that you are not willing to accept what it shows you, what it tells you, or the plans it has for your demise. It goes totally against the grain and against everything the world believes is true and possible. Because "it is the world you see that is impossible."
The world, being as utterly insane as it is, cannot possibly be real. If it is real then we might as well give up and die, because it offers no way out.
"Real choice is no illusion. But the world has none to offer. All its roads but lead to disappointment, nothingness and death. There IS no choice in its alternatives. Seek not escape from problems here. The world was made that problems could not BE escaped. Be not deceived by all the different names its roads are given. They have but one end. And each is but the means to gain that end, for it is here that all its roads will lead, however differently they seem to start; however differently they seem to go. Their end is certain, for there is no choice among them. All of them will lead to death. On some you travel gaily for a while, before the bleakness enters. And on some the thorns are felt at once. The choice is not WHAT will the ending be, but WHEN it comes."
Overcoming the world requires an ability to resurrect. It requires an ability to go against the laws of the world. It requires a movement into miraculousness, because only through a literal breaking of the laws of spacetime can you truly overcome death.
You have to fly in the face of everything that seems to be happening and defy it. You have to rise up above it and have a power over it. You have to be able and willing to undo it, reverse it, and demonstrate the cancellation of sin and death. Through miracles there is hope, but without the possibility of operating opposite to the world there is no hope at all.
We have to find a way, a path to the light, which the world does not support, which the world says is impossible, which the world actively tries to oppose. It requires the proper use of denial, the weakening of the investment in physical sight, the ignoring of physical sensory inputs which lie to you through the body, and to look beyond appearances. This means recognizing illusions as illusions and not being tempted or deceived by the world. This is a tough challenge. But the world must be denied, otherwise it is true.
"Sit quietly and look upon the world you see, and tell yourself, "The real world is not like this. It has no buildings, and there are no streets where people walk alone and separately. There are no stores where people buy an endless list of things they do not need. It is not lit with artificial light, and night comes not upon it. There is no day that brightens and grows dim. There is no loss. Nothing is there but shines, and shines forever." This world you see MUST BE DENIED, for sight of it is costing you a different kind of vision. YOU CANNOT SEE BOTH WORLDS. For each of them involves a different kind of seeing, and depends on what you cherish. The sight of one is possible because you have DENIED THE OTHER."
The ultimate pinnacle of this teaching is that there literally is no world here at all. "There is no world. This is the central lesson the course would attempt to teach". Only if there is NO world, and NOTHING has happened, and this is ONLY a dream, can there be hope of escape, and hope of liberation from its nightmare. Only through recognizing that it IS NOT REAL is there any way to laugh at its unbelievable bullshit, to find a way back to God, and to return to a state of happiness.
The only way out of hell is through forgiveness, the overlooking of illusions and the recognition of ACTUAL reality, which is the Kingdom of God and not the Earth.
"There is another advantage, - and a very important one, - in referring decisions to the Holy Spirit with increasing frequency. Perhaps you have not thought of this aspect, but its centrality is obvious. To follow the Holy Spirit's guidance is to let yourself be absolved of guilt.It is the essence of the Atonement.It is the core of the curriculum.The imagined usurping of functions not your own is the basis of fear. The whole world you see reflects the illusion that you have done so, making fear inevitable. To return the function to the One to Whom it belongs is thus the escape from fear. And it is this that lets the memory of love return to you. Do not, then, think that following the Holy Spirit's guidance is necessary merely because of your own inadequacies. It is the way out of hell for you."
"A miracle can offer nothing less to him than it has given unto you. So does your healing show your mind is healed, and has forgiven what he did not do. And so is he convinced his innocence was never lost, and healed along with you. Thus does the miracle undo all things the world attests can never be undone. ***And hopelessness and death must disappear before the ancient clarion call of life.*** This call has power far beyond the weak and miserable cry of death and guilt. The ancient calling of the Father to His Son, and of the Son unto His Own, will yet be the last trumpet that the world will ever hear. Brother, there is no death. And this you learn when you but wish to show your brother that you had no hurt of him. He thinks your blood is on his hands, and so he stands condemned. 11 Yet it is given you to show him, by your healing, that his guilt is but the fabric of a senseless dream."
woensdag 13 mei 2020
dinsdag 12 mei 2020
Je slecht voelen hoeft niet meteen te betekenen dat je iets fout doet, het kan een onderdrukt onderliggend lijden zijn dat naar de oppervlakte komt. Door het naar de oppervlakte te laten komen, raak je het langzaam kwijt. Door het als fout te bestempelen, als iets wat er niet zou mogen zijn, vererger je de situatie.
donderdag 7 mei 2020
R.A.: As you work on yourself and you overcome the maya, the illusion you do not become a person that does nothing. For you're not a person any longer. The personality has been transcended, transmuted. You have become the nothingness in which the world is a superimposition. You have become the screen instead of the players on the screen. As the screen there is absolutely nothing for you to do but observe and watch the players in action. Yet when I say there is absolutely nothing to do it's paradoxical because you still will do something. Realizing that you are not the doer.
woensdag 6 mei 2020
On one level everything is imperfect (and we all know this level very well), on another level everything is perfect (and we know very little about this level). Only the second level REALLY exists but this doesn't mean that the first level must be totally ignored. You still do what has to be done on this imperfect level but this is not who you REALLY are.
dinsdag 5 mei 2020
A course in miracles says all you need to know already on the first page: Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God. If you understand this, you can stop reading the rest of the book. If not you will have to read till you understand it.
zaterdag 2 mei 2020
De beste uitleg over hoe de wereld ontstaat die ik tot dusver ben tegengekomen: Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny mad idea. (Paul West)
Separation HAS occurred? Sort of.
Some people claim that it is impossible to explain the "tiny mad idea". It seems logical at first, because when the ego asks a question like "what if", it's not really a question, and the tiny mad idea hasn't "really" happened in reality. It has no real consequences in reality, and it's just a dream.
But the tiny mad idea HAS happened in IMAGINATION. It HAS happened in your mind, and you've "made it real to you". That is why you are sitting there right now reading this on your screen, which *seems* real. A dream "at all" wouldn't even be possible unless God gave you free will to choose to mis-create and dream.
"Whatever is true & real is eternal, & cannot change or be changed. The Soul is therefore unalterable because it is ALREADY perfect, but the mind can elect the level it chooses to serve. The only limit which is put on its choice is that it CANNOT serve two masters."
Your mind has FREEDOM, and therefore can be used to choose EITHER to will with God's will, or to will against it. Either in service to the soul/spirit, or in service to a fictional ego. This freedom granted you the very REAL "possibility" of being ABLE to make this choice, to use will against will, and to mis-create. God would not give you an `option` that could *actually* hurt you at all, and it has not, but this freedom HAS given you the ability to OPT not to laugh at the idea of separation, if you choose.
Jesus also describes below how while you have free will, it is necessary to choose both FOR (toward) God and AWAY from the option of ego/dreaming.
"While the ballot itself is a secret one, and the right to vote is fully protected, voting ALWAYS entails both election AND rejection. If two candidates are voted for for the same position, the machine cancels the ballot automatically.
This is necessary, because a split vote does not represent ANY REAL allegiance.
Free will is the attribute of the mind, NOT the Soul. The Soul always remains changeless, because it never leaves the sight of God.
The Creation of the Soul is already fully accomplished. The mind, if it votes to do so, becomes a medium by which the Soul can create along the line of its own creation. If it does not freely elect to do so, it retains this creative ability, but places itself under tyrannous rather than authoritative control. As a result, what it creates is imprisonment, because such are the dictates of tyrants."
So you can see here that the mind actually has the freedom to "choose to dream" if it wants to. It CAN place itself under tyrranical rule and seem to "sleep". Of course this dreaming is FICTIONAL and it is not REALLY happening in reality, it has no real consequences in heaven, but it IS still a "valid option" that you are free to entertain or ELECT.
This essentially means that, the tiny mad idea is a POSSIBLE CHOICE, but it is not a REAL choice. That's a vital distinction. You COULD choose to dream if you want to, to mis-create, to opposte God's will (or try to), but it's not a REAL option. It's an option of unreality that the mind is quite capable of making if it chooses to. This is why "heaven is a choice I must make" - the mind HAS to freely, willingly, elect to choose heaven, ie the only real option, and not the ego, which is an imaginary option you've tried to MAKE real.
Does this mean the dream "has happened"? It has not happened IN REALITY, but it HAS occurred within the context of the mind's freedom to dream. It doesn't have REALITY to it, but it IS something you are CAPABLE OF PRODUCING through mis-creation. And when you DO freely choose it, with your free will, it will become seemingly real to you because what you accept into your mind becomes your reality.
"To "change your mind" means to place it at the disposal of True authority. The miracle is thus a sign that the mind has elected to be guided by Christ in HIS service. The abundance of Christ is the natural result of choosing to follow him."
The mind has to ELECT (choose) to be under service to Christ. This IS a free-willed choice, not something forced upon you. God does not create slaves.
"Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny mad idea"
There DID creep an idea, a thought, an imagining, into the mind, because IT COULD. The mind CAN DREAM. But the dream that it produces is not real or like God. Elsewhere Jesus refers to it as "an order of reality", meaning that you gave reality TO it to try to turn it into reality, through belief, but the belief is based on a false premise, so it is ultimately unfounded and fundamentally unreal at its core.
"Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny mad idea", at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh. In his forgetting did the thought become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects. Together, we can laugh them BOTH away, and understand that time can NOT intrude upon eternity. It IS a joke to think that time can come to circumvent eternity, which MEANS there is no time."
I will leave you this statement by Jesus:
"The Separation HAS occurred. To deny this is merely to misuse denial. However, to concentrate on error is merely a further misuse of legitimate psychic mechanisms. The true corrective procedure, which has already been described as the proper use of the spiritual eye (or true vision), is to accept the error temporarily, BUT ONLY as an indication that IMMEDIATE correction is mandatory. This establishes a state of mind in which the Atonement can be accepted without delay."
What he means here, is not that the separation is REAL, but that in the MIND, it HAS OCCURRED as a thought, an idea, an IMAGINED possibility. There HAS been an attempt to usurp God's will. There HAS been a "dream". Not REALLY, but ... in the proper context, in the mind, this IS something that we CHOSE, something we TRIED TO MAKE REAL, something we tried to DO, to will it, to mis-create. We DID mis-create. That's the ONLY reason that you are able to be sitting there seeming to be a body reading this text right now. But the ultimate truth is, this is a dream, an unreality, it's ultimately based on a false foundation or premise - that there is an alternative to God's will, and because that is untrue, it is not REALLY REAL. So it hasn't REALLY happened in truth, in the biggest picture.
You DO, in a sense, dream a dream. But you CAN stop dreaming, by changing your mind. Dreaming is a state of MIND, of insanity, believing that time can replace eternity and space can replace God's presence. Effectively, there HAS been a "fall of man", but the fall is imaginary. It is ONLY an idea, but it IS an idea, not less than that. The "existence" of this idea, however, must be temporary, because it is an idea of being temporary, and is naturally limited and finite. It is therefore INEVITABLE that the dream will end and the IDEA - in which this entire physical universe dwells - will disappear.