De Zachte Revolutie - La Révolution Douce - The Sweet Revolution

De herontdekking van het Zelf. La redécouverte du Soi. The rediscovery of the Self. Voor contact:

zaterdag 29 augustus 2020


zaterdag 22 augustus 2020

How do you know when you arrive at the goal? It begins with your Self first. You just have no connection with the body again. The body that never existed to begin with, is gone. This is very paradoxical. No body exists. You are free from that and yet everyone else sees you as a body. And they see you going through experiences like everybody else. But I can assure you that there is no body. And those words don't even come to you that there is no body because those words become ludicrous when you've arrived. You no longer state, "I am not the body. I am consciousness." That becomes a joke. All those words, liberation, moksha, illumination, absolute reality, ultimate oneness, nirvana, emptiness they become a joke. It is only the ajnani that spots out those words and of course I do it in the teaching. You become omnipresent, all-pervading. That is what you really are to begin with, I use the words, "You become." Yet you no longer feel anything. There is nothing to feel. There is no thing to be. There is nothing to experience. We use words like bliss. Bliss simply means a state beyond the norm that is so joyous, compared to the joy that you know. It is beyond that joy. It is too happy to be happy. It is too loving to be love. It is way beyond those qualities. There are no words that can describe it.

God, I feel you all around.